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Japanese Words Dictionary

. b . c . d . e . f . g . h . i . j . k . m . n . o . p . r . s . t . u . w . y . z
Aaburaage, aburage油揚げ、油揚
(kanji + hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
A piece of thin deep-fried tofu.
agemochi揚げ餅 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA snack food of deep-fried rice cake (mochi).
ahoアホ、阿呆 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationMeaning idiot. The word is often said with feelings of the friendly feeling.
aikidou合気道 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese martial art which two athletes fight barehanded without using a weapon.
aiueoあいうえお (hiragana)pronunciationThe Japanese syllabary system. Phonogram.
akachôchin赤提灯 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese-style cheap pub.
ama海女 (kanji)pronunciationWomen for collecting shellfish diving into the sea.
amaguri甘栗 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "sweet roasted chestnuts".
amanattô甘納豆 (kanji)pronunciationThe cake which boiled down a bean sweetly.
amazake甘酒 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional sweet, low-alcohol drink.
amezaiku飴細工 (kanji)pronunciationA cake to form by hand work with heated candy.
an餡、あん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "very sweet red bean paste".
andon行灯 (kanji)pronunciationA lamp consisting of paper stretched over a frame of bamboo, wood or metal.
anmitsuあんみつ (hiragana)pronunciationThe cold cake which hung sugared water in red bean paste, agar, the rice cake.
anpanあんパン (hiragana + katakana)pronunciationA bread which enclosed red bean paste.
(kanji + katakana, kanji)pronunciation
A green laver powder.
arareあられ (hiragana)pronunciationA bite-sized Japanese rice cracker.
arigatôありがとう (hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "thanks".
atsuage厚揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA very thick aburaage (deep-fried tofu).
awabi鮑、あわび (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationMeaning Abalone.
Awa odori阿波踊り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationTraditional dance in Tokushima pref.
azuki bean, adzuki bean小豆、アズキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA small crimson colored bean.
Bbakaバカ、馬鹿 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationMeaning idiot.
bancha番茶 (kanji)pronunciationThe low class tea which is harvested after having harvested "sencha".
banzai万歳 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese unique expression that shows their win, success, configuration, happiness etc.
barazoku薔薇族 (kanji)pronunciationThe word to mean homosexuals of the man.
batta monバッタもん
(katakana + hiragana)pronunciation
Products of non-regular.
benishôga紅生姜 (kanji)pronunciationRed pickled ginger.
bentô弁当 (kanji)pronunciationA box for carrying to put a meal for the one in. A box lunch.
bimajo美魔女 (kanji)pronunciationThe woman who keeps outstanding beauty middle-aged.
bishôjo美少女 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "beautiful young girl".
bishônen美少年 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "beautiful young boy".
biwa琵琶 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese four-stringed musical instrument like a lute.
bokeボケ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "idiot".
bon odori盆踊り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationDances of summer festival.
bonsai盆栽 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese miniature potted tree (plant).
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
Sweets made with rice and sweet red bean paste. Also known as ohagi.
budô, bujutsu武道、武術 (kanji)pronunciationThe technique that a samurai learns for a fight. Judô, kendô and kyûdô.
bumbetsu gomi station分別ゴミステーション
(kanji + katakana)pronunciation
Place to dispose of scrap that has been fractionated.
bunraku文楽 (kanji)pronunciationA form of traditional Japanese puppet play.
burikkoぶりっ子 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationA women to imitate the cute girl.
bushidô武士道 (kanji)pronunciationThe traditional military code of the samurai.
busuブス (katakana)pronunciationA kind of abusing word. Meaning "Ugly-looking women".
butaman豚まん (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA sweet bun which is made from flour dough and pork.
byôbu屏風 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese folding screens which is made from several joined panels.
Cchaku mero着メロ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationA ringing melody for incoming calls.
chanbara, chambaraチャンバラ (katakana)pronunciationThe battle action by the Japanese sword.
chanoyu茶の湯 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationAlso called sadou. The tea ceremony.
chashitsu茶室 (kanji)pronunciationThe small room that is used for tea ceremony.
chawan茶碗 (kanji)pronunciationA ceramic bowl used for eating rice.
chawanmushi茶碗蒸し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationOne of the Japanese foods. The egg soup which it was sultry, and became hard.
chikuwaチクワ、竹輪 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationThe processed food of mashed white fish meat.
chimakiちまき、粽 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationA traditional Japanese food, made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo leaves.
chindon'yaちんどん屋 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationStreet musicians who parade around a town while playing music for advertising.
chirigami kôkanチリ紙交換 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationThe supplier who takes over paper. They leave a tissue as an exchange.
chirimenjakoちりめんじゃこ (hiragana)pronunciationDried young sardines.
chirimonチリモン (katakana)pronunciationGeneric name of the small animals which got mixed with chirimenjako (dried young sardines).
chiyogami千代紙 (kanji)pronunciationThe small paper with the design of a Japanese-style design.
chôchin提灯 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese lantern. The lighting equipment which was made with bamboo and paper.
chonmageちょんまげ (hiragana)pronunciationThe hairstyle of the man who was common in the Edo era.
Chûshingura忠臣蔵 (kanji)pronunciationThe story of 47 subordinates to retaliate for the lord who committed harakiri.
Ddagashi駄菓子 (kanji)pronunciationCheap sweets of the unit price that children buy.
daifukumochi大福餅 (kanji)pronunciationRice cake stuffed with sweetened bean jam.
daikon大根 (kanji)pronunciationA kind of vegetables of the radish that a root became huge.
daikon oroshi大根おろし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationGrated Japanese radish.
daiku第九 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe symphony ninth which Beethoven composed. Many concerts are held in December in Japan.
(kanji, katakana)pronunciation
A pun.
dango団子 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese dumpling made from mochiko (rice flour).
dangô談合 (kanji)pronunciationConference on the bidding. Collusion.
daruma達磨、ダルマ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationThe red figurehead which looked dignified.
dashiだし、出汁 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationA class of soup and cooking stock used in Japanese cuisine.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Rolled omelette.
depachikaデパ地下 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationThe underground Delicatessen section of the department store.
dohyô土俵 (kanji)pronunciationThe ring in which sumo wrestling bouts are held.
dôjou道場 (kanji)pronunciationThe holy place that the athlete of the martial arts takes a lesson of.
donburiどんぶり、丼 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationA bowl of the ceramics to put rice and a side dish.
(hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
The pancake which sandwiched red sweet bean paste.
dôsojin道祖神 (kanji)pronunciationStone statue and monument in the roadside.
dotakyanドタキャン (katakana)pronunciationLast-minute cancellation.
dôyô童謡 (kanji)pronunciationSongs that were made for children.
Eebi furaiエビフライ (katakana)pronunciationFried prawns.
ebisenえびせん (hiragana)pronunciationA rice cracker with the powder of prawns.
ebitenエビ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationTempura of prawns.
ecchi, etchiエッチ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "lewd", "sexy", "lascivious", or "naughty".
edamame枝豆 (kanji)pronunciationThe unripe soybean which was boiled.
ekiben駅弁 (kanji)pronunciationLunch pack that are selling at the station.
ekiden駅伝 (kanji)pronunciationField and track events to run a long distance in a relay. Road reley.
ekinaka駅ナカ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationA retail shop found inside a railroad station.
ema絵馬 (kanji)pronunciationA tablet to dedicate to the Shintô shrine.
emoji絵文字 (kanji)pronunciationAn ideogram used in an electronic message or on a Web page.
enka演歌 (kanji)pronunciationA genre of Japanese popular songs. A tragic nuance is strong in them.
eto干支 (kanji)pronunciationA superstition to apply one year to one animal in a period for 12 years.
Ffu麩 (kanji)pronunciationThe food which was made from gluten of the flour.
fudepen筆ペン (kanji + katakana)pronunciationThe Japanese brush which I can supplement with the ink.
fugu河豚、フグ (kanji,katakana)pronunciationMeaning "globefish" or "swellfish".
fugu chôchinふぐ提灯 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationBlowfish lantern.
fuki蕗、フキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationButterbur. The wild grass which a bud and a stem can eat.
fukubukuro福袋 (kanji)pronunciationBargain products set which is sold with hiding the contents.
fukujinzuke福神漬 (kanji)pronunciationPickles which I soaked with soy sauce.
furikome sagi振り込め詐欺
(kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana + kanji)
Money transfer fraud.
fûrin風鈴 (kanji)pronunciationA Wind bell.
furisode振袖 (kanji)pronunciationA formal kimono for women.
furoshiki風呂敷 (kanji)pronunciationCloths of a square for packing.
fûryu風流 (kanji)pronunciationThe words indicating a casual sense of beauty.
fusuma襖 (kanji)pronunciationPanels which divides a room. It slides aside, and a person goes in and out.
futon布団 (kanji)pronunciationA thick mattress for a person to sleep.
Ggachaponガチャポン (katakana)pronunciationA capsule toy that come out from the vending machine.
gagaku雅楽 (kanji)pronunciationA type of Japanese classical music.
gaijin外人 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese word meaning "foreigner" or "outsider".
ganmodokiがんもどき (hiragana)pronunciationA fried tofu fritter.
gariガリ (katakana)pronunciationA type of pickled vegetables. It is sweet, thinly sliced young ginger.
geisha, geiko芸者、芸子 (kanji)pronunciationFemale entertainers who offers an entertainment to the visitor drinking liquor.
genmaicha玄米茶 (kanji)pronunciationThe green tea which blended roast brown rice.
geta下駄 (kanji)pronunciationSimple-shaped wooden sandals.
ginjôshu吟醸酒 (kanji)pronunciationThe sake which was made from good-quality rice.
(kanji, katakana)pronunciation
Meaning "ginkgo nuts".
giri choko義理チョコ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationA ceremonious present (chocolate).
go, igo碁(囲碁) (kanji)pronunciationA strategic board game for two players.
gobô牛蒡、ゴボウ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationGreater burdock, edible burdock, or lappa burdock.
gobotenゴボ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationTenpura of burdock root.
gohanご飯 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "boiled rice".
Gokuraku極楽 (kanji)pronunciationShangri-la on the sky.
goriyakuご利益 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDivine favor.
goshuin御朱印 (kanji)pronunciationStamp rally at shrines or temples.
gôya, gôyâゴーヤ、ゴーヤー
(katakana, katakana)pronunciation
A bitter gourd. Also called "nigauri".
gozan okuribi五山送り火
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)
The great bonfire event at five mountain in Kyoto.
Glico no omakeグリコのおまけ
(katakana + hiragana)
Toys associated with the caramel of Glico.
gyokuro玉露 (kanji)pronunciationA fine and expensive type of green tea.
(katakana, kanji)pronunciation
Dumpling including ground meet and vegetable.
gyûdonn牛丼 (kanji)pronunciationThe dish which beef was put on on rice.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
Generic name for Japanese confectionery kneaded.
gyûsuji牛スジ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationFibrous beef.
Hhaiku俳句 (kanji)pronunciationA 17-sylable poem.
hakusai白菜 (kanji)pronunciationThe vegetables which resemble cabbage. The leaf is soft and is delicious.
hamaruハマる (katakana + hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "indulge in".
hampenはんぺん (hiragana)pronunciationA white, square shaped surimi product.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
The Japanese sweet which sandwiched miso and the bean jam with a thin rice cake.
hanami花見 (kanji)pronunciationThe Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers.
hanashika噺家 (kanji)pronunciationProfessional Rakugo storyteller. Also known as rakugoka.
haniwa埴輪 (kanji)pronunciationTerracotta clay figures which were made for ritual use and buried with the dead as funerary objects during the Kofun period (3rd to 6th century AD) of the history of Japan.
hannariはんなり (hiragana)pronunciationIt is gorgeous and is refined.
harakiriハラキリ (katakana)pronunciationThe own death of the samurai. Also known as "seppuku".
harumaki春巻き (kanji)pronunciationThe deep-fried food which was wrapped in rice paper.
hashioki箸置き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationSmall tableware to put chopsticks on.
hatsumôde初詣 (kanji)pronunciationA custom to pray at the Shinto shrine at the beginning of one year.
henohenomohejiへのへのもへじ (hiragana)pronunciationThe face which is drawn by a hiragana letter.
henohenomohenoへのへのもへの (hiragana)pronunciationThe face which was drawn by a hiragana characters.
henro遍路 (kanji)pronunciationA pilgrim. People around the temples and shrines of Shikoku.
hentai変態 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Pervert". People with curious sexual habits.
hetaumaヘタウマ (katakana)pronunciationThe attractive work which is not technical.
hidoko火床 (kanji)pronunciationFire basket at the great bonfire event at five mountain in Kyoto.
hijikiヒジキ (katakana)pronunciationA brown sea vegetable growing wild on rocky coastlines.
hikido引き戸 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDoor that is opened and closed by sliding.
hikikomori引きこもり (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationYoung adults who withdraw from social life.
hinamatsuri雛祭り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationAn event to display a doll on March 3.
hina ningyô雛人形 (kanji)pronunciationMarch dolls.
hinatabokkoひなたぼっこ (hiragana)pronunciationBasking in the sun.
hinokiヒノキ (katakana)pronunciationJapanese cypress. It smells nice.
Hinomaru日の丸 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationThe flag that was painted red sun on a white. It is not the Japanese flag legally.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Looking out for fire.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
A Japanese syllabary, one component of the Japanese writing system.
hiyamugi冷や麦 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationThin wheat noodles cooled on ice.
hôgaku邦楽 (kanji)pronunciationMusic of a traditional Japanese-style.
hôko這子 (kanji)pronunciationA protective charm for babies, made as a doll in the form of a baby, and intended to take on any misfortune in the real baby's stead.
hokora祠、ほこら (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationA miniature Shinto shrine.
hokotenホコ天 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationVehicle-free promenade.
honjôzôshu本醸造酒 (kanji)pronunciationSake to which an amount of jouzou alcohol (distilled alcohol) has been added to create a smoother and lighter flavor.
horumon yakiホルモン焼き (katakana + kanji + hiragana)
Cuisine of visceral.
hoshigaki干し柿 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDried persimmons.
hoshiimo干しイモ (kanji + hiragana + katakana)
A dried stem of a taro plant.
hyakkin百均 (kanji)pronunciationGrocery shop of one hundred yen goods.
hyakkiyakô百鬼夜行 (kanji)pronunciationA concept in Japanese folklore. Night parade of one hundred demons.
hyaku monogatari百物語 (kanji)pronunciation100 Candles Game. Round of one hundred ghost stories at night.
hyakunin isshu百人一首 (kanji)pronunciationA classical Japanese anthology of one hundred Japanese waka by one hundred poets.
hyôshigi拍子木 (kanji)pronunciationA simple Japanese musical instrument, consisting of two pieces of hardwood or bamboo that are connected by a thin ornamental rope.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
The character have different eye size between left and right eyes, often wearing a scarf around his head.
Iiaijutsu居合術 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese martial art of drawing the sword.
ice monakaアイスモナカ (katakana)pronunciationIce cream is in the inside of the wafer.
ichigo daifukuいちご大福 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationIt is the cake with the strawberry to the rice cake which I wrapped bean jam in.
ichirinzashi一輪挿し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA single‐flower vase.
igo囲碁 (kanji)pronunciationAnother name for Go (board game).
ika ringイカリング (katakana)pronunciationThe cuttlefish which I cut into round slices.
(katakana + kanji + hiragana, kanji)
The roasted cuttlefish. Or the okonomiyaki with the cuttlefish.
ikebana生け花 (kanj + hiragana + kanjii)pronunciationThe Japanese art of flower arrangement, also known as kado.
ikemenイケメン (katakana)Good-looking man.
iki粋 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional aesthetic ideal of human behavior or volition in Japan, roughly "chic, stylish".
imagawayaki今川焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe pancake which sandwiched adzuki bean.
imokenpi芋けんぴ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationTraditional Japanese snack food. Sweet potato sliced and fried in oil.
inarizushi稲荷寿司 (kanji)pronunciationA kind of the sushi. It is wrapped in fried tofu.
inubaka犬ばか (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationIt is people saying the following things. "My dog is the number one in the world" "I love a dog of my home most"
ippon一本 (kanji)pronunciationThe words that an umpire issues when one athlete got a point by the martial arts.
irootoko色男 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Handsome man".
iroha karutaいろはカルタ
(hiragana + katakana)pronunciation
A Japanese card game. The game that the person who found a read card gets a point.
irohanihohetoいろはにほへと (hiragana)pronunciationThe Japanese alphabet.
ishiyaki imo石焼きイモ
(kanji + hiragana + katakana)pronunciation
Hot baked sweet potatos.
itamae板前 (kanji)pronunciationA chef of the Japanese food.
itasha痛車 (kanji)pronunciationDecorative wrapping cars.
itawasa板わさ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationSliced kamaboko with shouyu and wasabi.
itokonnyaku糸こんにゃく (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe konjac (the genus Amorphophallus) which was cut thin.
izakaya居酒屋 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese-style pub. A Japanese tapas bar.
Jjanome gasa蛇の目傘
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
The umbrella with the midmost big circle design.
jidai geki時代劇 (kanji)pronunciationMovies and dramas in Japan was the stage of the Edo period.
jinbei, jinbe甚平 (kanji)pronunciationA kind of the home wear for Japanese men.
jinrikisha人力車 (kanji)pronunciationAlso called "rickshaw" or "rikisha".
jitte十手 (kanji)pronunciationThe weapon which a police officer of the Edo era possesses.
jizô地蔵 (kanji)pronunciationStone statue. The guardian deity of children.
Jômon doki縄文土器 (kanji)pronunciationAncient Japanese pottery. Many are attractively decorated.
jôruri浄瑠璃 (kanji)pronunciationThe narrative ballad that is played with the music of the shamisen.
jôshinko上新粉、上糝粉 (kanji, kanji)pronunciationPowder from nonglutinous rice.
joya no kane除夜の鐘
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
The bell of a temple sounded on the last day of the year.
jûdô柔道 (kanji)pronunciationStylized competition of martial arts.
jûji shuriken十字手裏剣 (kanji)pronunciationA throwing knife of the form of the cross.
jûnishi十二支 (kanji)pronunciationTwelve signs of the Oriental Zodiac.
junmaishu純米酒 (kanji)pronunciationSake which was made with only rice and malted rice.
Kkabayaki蒲焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe fish which the body was opened and skewered it, and was grilled. Sweet sauce is attached to it.
kabuki歌舞伎 (kanji)pronunciationThe highly stylised classical Japanese dance-drama.
kadô華道 (kanji)pronunciationThe Japanese art of flower arrangement.
kagami-mochi鏡餅 (kanji)pronunciationA rice cake piramid.
kagura神楽 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese word referring to a specific type of Shintô theatrical dance.
kaijû怪獣 (kanji)pronunciationMonsters drawn in a Japanese drama.
kairo懐炉、カイロ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA warmer of the pocket size.
kaiseki懐石 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional multi-course Japanese dinner.
kaiten zushi回転寿司、回転ずし
(kanji, kanji+ hiragana)pronunciation
Inexpensive sushi served on a conveyor belt.
kaizen改善 (kanji)pronunciationAn action to reduce waste thoroughly.
kakejiku掛け軸 (kanji+ hiragana + kanji)pronunciationThe lengthwise artworks which can roll up.
kaki柿 (kanji)pronunciationPersimmon.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
The tempura which blended material of the inside.
kakifuraiカキフライ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "fried oyster".
kakigôriかき氷 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationShaved ice.
kakimochiかきもち (hiragana)pronunciationAlso known as arare or okaki.
kakinotane柿の種 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationArare resembled to a persimmon seed.
kakipîかきピー (hiragana + katakana)pronunciationConfectionary mixed kakinotanes with peanuts.
kamaboko蒲鉾、かまぼこ (kanji,hiragana)pronunciationThe food which processed the "surimi" of the white fish.
kamatotoカマトト (katakana)pronunciationPretending to be innocent.
kamikaze神風 (kanji)pronunciationIt means a suicide attack.
kamishibai紙芝居 (kanji)pronunciationThe story that is provided to children by a picture and the talk.
kanban看板 (kanji)pronunciationThe original meaning is outdoor advertising. It also means a thing guaranteeing social position.
kanikamaカニかま (katakana + hiragana)pronunciationA processed food in imitation of the meat of the crab.
kanimiso蟹味噌 (kanji)pronunciationCrab guts paste.
kanji漢字 (kanji)pronunciationThe ideograph which is used in Japan and China.
kanroni甘露煮 (kanji)pronunciationFood stewed in soy sauce and sugar.
Kansai ben関西弁 (kanji)pronunciationDialect of the Kansai area.
kanten寒天 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "agar". A gelatinous substance derived from seaweed.
kanzashiかんざし、簪 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationHair ornaments used in traditional Japanese hairstyles.
kappa河童、カッパ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationThe monster who settles down in the river.
kappa makiカッパ巻き
(katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
A makizushi where a cucumber is in.
karaage唐揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationDeep-fried food without batter.
karakusa moyô唐草模様 (kanji)pronunciationArabesque design.
karaokeカラオケ (katakana)pronunciationThe entertainment apparatus which adds accompaniment to a song.
karashi辛子、からし (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationA type of mustard used as a condiment or as a seasoning in Japanese cuisine.
karate空手 (kanji)pronunciationThe Japanse martial art of unarmed self-defence.
karintôかりんとう (hiragana ,kanji)pronunciationTraditional Japanese snack food. Sweet and deep-fried, it is made primarily of flour, yeast, and brown sugar.
karôshi過労死 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "overwork death”.
karutaカルタ (katakana)pronunciationA Japanese card game. Referring to "iroha karuta".
katori senkô蚊取り線香
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Incense used to repel mosquitos.
katsuカツ (katakana)pronunciationA deep-fried cutlet.
katsubushiko鰹節粉 (kanji)pronunciationPowder of katsuobushi.
katsudonカツ丼 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationA bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, vegetables, and condiments.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
The solid seasoning which is prepared the bonito into as raw materials. It is sharpened thinly and is used. It is the hardest food in the world.
kawaî可愛い (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "cute", "pretty".
kaya蚊帳 (kanji)pronunciationA mosquito net.
kayabuki茅葺き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThatching a roof with grass.
kayari buta蚊遣り豚
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
A figurine of pig to put a "katorisenko".
kayôkyoku歌謡曲 (kanji)pronunciationOne of the genres of popular music of Japan.
kazunoko数の子 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationHerring roe.
keiretsu系列 (kanji)pronunciationA set of companies with interlocking business relationships and shareholdings.
keirin競輪 (kanji)pronunciationA track cycling event in which racing cyclists sprint for victory.
kendô剣道 (kanji)pronunciationA modern Japanese martial art of sword-fighting based on traditional Japanese swordsmanship, or Kenjutsu.
kikizake利き酒 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationJudging the quality of sake from features including its fragrance, dryness and acidity.
kiku菊 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "chrysanthemum".
kimoiキモい (katakana + hiragana)pronunciationCreepy. Unsightly.
kimono着物 (kanji)pronunciationThe national costume of Japan. Originally the word "kimono" literally meant "thing to wear".
(hiragana, kanji + hiragana + kanji)
Soybean flour.
kingyo金魚 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "goldfish".
kingyo sukui金魚すくい (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe goldfish scooping.
kintarô ame金太郎飴 (kanji)pronunciationA candy cylindrical visible in the cross-sectional face of "Kintarô".
(kanji + katakana + kanji)pronunciation
Craft to shape by cutting the paper.
kôban交番 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese police box.
kobucha昆布茶 (kanji)pronunciationA beverage called tangle seaweed drink.
kofun古墳 (kanji)pronunciationAncient king's tombs. tumulus.
koharu biyori小春日和 (kanji)pronunciationIndian Summer.
koi鯉 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "carp".
koibana恋バナ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationA confession about love.
koi nobori鯉のぼり (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationStreamers in the shape of a carp.
kôji麹 (kanji)pronunciationMicroorganism (Mold) to make sake.
kokeshiこけし (hiragana)pronunciationAlso called "Kokeshi dolls". Dolls made of wood. It has the shape of "i".
kôkin抗菌 (kanji)pronunciationAntibacterial.
(katakana + hiragana)pronunciation
Table-turning game.
komainu狛犬 (kanji)pronunciationStone statue of the shrine. It is imitating a scary lion.
kombu, konbu昆布 (kanji)pronunciationEdible kelp.
komikeコミケ (katakana)pronunciationAbbreviation of comic market. Events that self-publication of the cartoon is sold.
komishôコミ障 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationCommunication disorder.
komusô虚無僧 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese mendicant monk.
konbiniコンビニ (katakana)pronunciationAbbreviation of “Convenience store”.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
Devil's tongue yam.
konnichiwaこんにちは (hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "Hello".
kosupure (cosplay)コスプレ (katakana)pronunciationPerformance that mimics the particular person.
koto琴 (kanji)pronunciationMusical instrument sounds when playing the chord.
kotodama言霊 (kanji)pronunciationThe Japanese belief that mystical powers dwell in words and names. Meaning "Spirit of language".
kukuri zaruくくり猿 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationAn amulet dedicated to a shrine to make a wish come true.
kunaiくない (hiragana)A kind of tool used by ninja people.
kunoichiくノ一 (hiragana + katakana + kanji)
Female "Ninja".
kuro obi黒帯 (kanji)pronunciationBlack cloth belt. In a grade of the judo, the person who is higher than the first grade wears it.
kushi katsu串カツ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationA deep-fried kabob. A skewer dish with bite-sized meats and vegetables on the skewer breaded with flour, eggs and bread crumbs, which is deep-fried.
kusudamaくす玉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDecorative banner dropped from the ceiling.
kuzumochi葛餅 (kanji)pronunciationSweets made of arrowroot starch and sweet red bean paste.
(kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
A sweet Japanese beverage produced by adding kudzu flour to hot water.
kwaidan, kaidan怪談 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese ghost story or horror story.
kyaraben, chara-benキャラ弁 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationA "bentô" that mimics the famous character.
kyôgen狂言 (kanji)pronunciationThe stage comedy traditional in Japan.
kyûdou弓道 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese-style archery as martial art.
Mma間 (kanji)pronunciationTime blank that is essential to the entertainment and art.
machiya町家、町屋 (kanji, kanji)pronunciationTraditional wooden townhouses found throughout Japan and typified in the historical capital of Kyoto.
maid cafe, meido kafeメードカフェ (katakana)pronunciationCoffee shop that clerks are wearing the uniform of maid.
maiko舞妓 (kanji)pronunciationTraditional dancing girls who entertain guest at Japanese-style banquets.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Sushi wrapped in seaweed paper.
mamachariママチャリ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "city cycle". A bicycle that young mothers mainly ride.
mamedanuki, mameda, mameta豆狸 (kanji)pronunciationAn ornament that mimics the specter of raccoon dog.
manekineko招き猫 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationCat-shaped ornament to beckon good luck.
manga漫画、マンガ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationComics and print cartoons.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
A traditional confection that made from flour, rice powder and buckwheat and a filling of red bean paste, made from boiled azuki beans and sugar.
manzai漫才 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional style of stand-up comedy in Japanese culture, which usually involves two performers.
manzaishi漫才師 (kanji)pronunciationManzai performers.
masu升 (kanji)pronunciationA wooden square box for measuring the grain.
matcha, maccha抹茶 (kanji)pronunciationTea powder. Drink by pouring hot water.
(katakana, kanji)pronunciation
A kind of mushroom. King of mushroom in Japan.
mayoke魔除け (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationTalisman against evil.
medamayaki目玉焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationTwo eggs sunny‐side up.
melonpanメロンパン (katakana)pronunciationJapanese sweet bun. There are multiple types, and the definition is not fixed
mentaiko明太子 (kanji)pronunciationAlso called karashi-mentaiko. Walleye eggs were seasoned with red pepper.
mezashiメザシ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "dried sardines".
mikado帝 (kanji)pronunciationEmperor of Japan.
miko巫女 (kanji)pronunciationWomen to serve God at the shrine.
mikoshiみこし、神輿 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciationShrine of the mobile to be used in the parade.
minazuki水無月 (kanji)pronunciationSweets made of arrowroot starch, red bean paste and rice flour.
min'yô民謡 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese folk ballad.
mirinみりん、味醂 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciationAn essential condiment used in Japanese cuisine, consisting of 50% sugar.
misoみそ、味噌 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciationFermented food made ​​from soybean, kôji and salt.
miso soup, misoshiruみそ汁、味噌汁
(hiragana + kanji,kanji)pronunciation
Meaning "Miso soup". A Japanese culinary staple.
mitarashi dangoみたらし団子 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDumpling, which is topped with salty-sweet syrup.
mitsumameみつまめ (hiragana)pronunciationSweet confectionery fruit and agar jelly entered.
miyabi雅 (kanji)pronunciationThe traditional Japanese aesthetic ideals.
mochi餅、モチ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA Japanese rice cake made of glutinous rice.
mochikoもち粉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationRice flour (also rice powder).
moe萌え (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationStrong attachment to Characters.
mokugyo木魚 (kanji)pronunciationA fish-shaped wooden drum. Wooden gong.
momiji紅葉 (kanji)pronunciationMaple leaf that is browned red in fall.
monaka最中、モナカ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA kind of sweets. Bean paste is in the inside of the wafer.
mono no awareもののあはれ (hiragana)pronunciationA Japanese term for the awareness of impermanence (mujou), or transience of things, and a gentle sadness (or wistfulness) at their passing.
mononke物の怪 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationEvil spirits.
motsu yakiモツ焼き
(katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Roast giblet.
(hiragana, kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Feeling reluctant that goods and people are not valued.
mozukuもずく (hiragana)pronunciationA kind of edible seaweed.
mugicha麦茶 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "roasted barley tea".
mugikogashi麦こがし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA flour made by parching and then grinding barley. Also called "hattaiko".
Nnabemono鍋物 (kanji)pronunciationGeneric name of the dish using pot.
nagashibina流し雛 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationPaper dolls floated downriver on March 3rd.
nagashi sômen流しそうめん (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationNoodles that are poured into a gutter with water and eaten with chopsticks.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
Single-edged spear.
nagomu和む (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationFeel completely peaceful.
namahageなまはげ (hiragana)pronunciationA demonlike being, portrayed by men wearing oversized ogre masks and traditional straw capes.
namazake生酒 (kanji)pronunciationUnpasteurized sake.
namekoなめこ (hiragana)pronunciationA small, amber-brown mushroom.
naniwabushi浪花節 (kanji)pronunciationEntertainment to tell the story to the shamisen accompaniment. Also called "rôkyoku".
narutomaki鳴戸巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationKamaboko (steamed fish-paste) with a whirlpool pattern.
nattô納豆 (kanji)pronunciationFermented soybeans.
neakaネアカ (katakana)pronunciationCheerful personality.
negimaねぎま (kanji)pronunciationDish of tuna and onion served hot in a pot.
nekamaネカマ (katakana)pronunciationA man posing as a woman on the net.
neko cafe猫カフェ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationThe coffee shop which enjoys the contact with the cat.
nekuraネクラ (katakana)pronunciationDismal guy personality.
nemawashi根回し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationPre-conditioning.
nenbutsu, nembutsu念仏 (kanji)pronunciationA term commonly seen in the Pure Land school of Mahayana Buddhism.
nerikarashi練りからし (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationMustard paste.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
A kind of pottery technique in Japan.
netaネタ (katakana)pronunciationA small episode that produce laughter.
netsuke根付 (kanji)pronunciationMiniature sculptures that were invented in 17th-century Japan to serve a practical function.
niboshi煮干し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationDried baby sardines. It is used as a soup seasoning.
nigiri meshi握り飯 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationAlso known as onigiri (omusubi, rice balls).
Nihon日本 (kanji)pronunciationJapan. Also called "Nippon".
Nihon buyô日本舞踊、日舞 (kanji, kanji)pronunciationJapanes-style dances. Also called "nichibu".
nihonga日本画 (kanji)pronunciationPaintings that have been made in accordance with traditional Japanese artistic conventions, techniques and materials.
nihongami日本髪 (kanji)pronunciationHair style of old Japanese woman.
nihongo日本語 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese language.
nihonshoku日本食 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese traditional meal. An example: Sushii, tempura. Also known as "washoku".
nihonshu日本酒 (kanji)pronunciationAn alcoholic beverage of Japanese origin that is made from fermented rice. Also known as sake.
Nihon teien日本庭園 (kanji)pronunciationJapanes-style gardens.
nihontô日本刀 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese sword
nikujaga肉じゃが (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationJapanese cuisine with stewed meat, potatoes, thread konjac, etc.
ningyô jôruri人形浄瑠璃 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese puppet theatre in which recited narrative and dialog is accompanied by a shamisen. Also known as "bunraku".
ninja忍者 (kanji)pronunciationA warrior specially trained in a variety of unorthodox arts of war.
ninjutsu忍術 (kanji)pronunciationCombat surgery unorthodox manner by ninja.
nishikigoi錦鯉 (kanji)pronunciationOrnamental varieties of carp.
noh, nô能 (kanji)pronunciationA kind of classic stage drama that played it with a mask.
nohmen, nômen能面 (kanji)pronunciationMask used in a Noh play.
nonkeノン気 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationHeterosexual, a straight person.
noren暖簾、のれん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationPosters made ​​of cloth that is Hanging in front of the store.
nori海苔、ノリ (kanji,katakana)pronunciationEdible seaweed that is processed into a sheet.
norimaki海苔巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationSushi wrapped in seaweed.
noritsuki fusen糊つき付箋、ノリつきふせん
(kanji + hiragana + kanji, katakana + hiragana)
Sticky note with a glue on the back. Also called "Post-it".
noroi no wara ningyô呪いの藁人形
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Jack of straw of the spell.
nyotaimori女体盛り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe practice of serving sashimi or sushi from the body of a woman, typically naked. It is not Japanese manners and customs.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Simple dishes just put the tea and seasoning to rice.
odenおでん (hiragana)pronunciationCooking stewed various food.
ôgi扇 (kanji)pronunciationA handy fan. Also known as "sensu".
ohagiおはぎ (hiragana)pronunciationA springtime treat made with rice and sweet red bean paste. Also known as "botamochi".
(hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
Good Morning.
oiran花魁 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning courtesans in a flashy costume.
okakiおかき (hiragana)pronunciationBaked rice cake. Also known as "kakimochi".
okamaおかま (hiragana)pronunciationGay in Japan.
okaraおから (hiragana)pronunciationDregs that made tôfu from soy.
okayuおかゆ (hiragana)pronunciationRice porridge.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
Pancakes put plenty of meat and vegetables.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Japanese amulets (charms, talismans) commonly sold at religious sites.
omikujiおみくじ (hiragana)pronunciationRandom fortunes written on strips of paper at Shintô shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan.
omotenashiおもてなし (hiragana)pronunciationThe spirit of hospitality.
omu-riceオムライス (katakana)pronunciationAn example of contemporary Japanese cuisine consisting of an omelette made with fried rice and usually topped with ketchup.
oni鬼 (kanji)pronunciationCreatures from Japanese folklore, variously translated as demons, devils, ogres or trolls.
onigiri (nigiri meshi)おにぎり (hiragana)pronunciationA food made from white rice formed into triangular or oval shape and often wrapped in nori (edible "seaweed"). also known as omusubi or rice ball.
onmyôji陰陽師 (kanji)pronunciationOne of the classifications of civil servants belonging to the Bureau of Onmyô in ancient Japan's ritsuryô system. People with this title were professional practitioners of onmyodo.
onsen温泉 (kanji)pronunciationBathhouse facility using the hot water springs from the ground. A hot spring. A spa.
origami折り紙 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationCrafts made ​​by folding the paper.
osechiおせち (hiragana)pronunciationNew year's feast.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Foods and drinks to be provided to the God or Buddha.
ossu押忍、オッス (kanji, katakana)pronunciationGreeting used between close male friends.
otakuオタク (katakana)pronunciationPeople who indulge in a particular object each. Meaning "nerds".
otohime音姫 (kanji)pronunciationMelody or flushing sound played by a Japanese toilet to mask excretion sounds.
otokomae男前 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Handsome man".
otoshidamaお年玉 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationNew Year's manetary gift that presented to children.
oyaji gag親父ギャグ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationSilly sllier silliest gag.
oyako donburi親子丼 (kanji)pronunciationBowl dish topped with chicken and eggs.
oyama女形 (kanji)pronunciationMale actor who plays the role of women.
oyatsuおやつ (hiragana)pronunciationAn afternoon snack.
Ppachinkoパチンコ (katakana)pronunciationA Japanese gaming device. Japanese pinball games. It is available in specialty stores.
pankoパン粉 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationThings like breadcrumbs.
pasokonパソコン (katakana)pronunciationMeaning "PC".
pongashiポン菓子 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationConfectionery inflated rice.
ponzuポン酢 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationA citrus-based sauce commonly used in Japanese cuisine.
purikuraプリクラ (katakana)pronunciationThe machine that print your portrait photo on Sealed paper. Print Club.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
A kind of allium. Shallot bulbs.
rakugo落語 (kanji)pronunciationVerbal entertainment in Japan. It is played by a entertainer who sit on the cushion.
rakugoka落語家 (kanji)pronunciationRakugo storyteller. Also known as "hanashika".
renkonレンコン、蓮根 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationMeaning "lotus root".
renku連句 (kanji)pronunciationRelay event of haiku.
rikishi力士 (kanji)pronunciationSumô wrestler.
roji露地、路地 (kanji, kanji)pronunciationAn alley. A blind alley. Also called "rôji".
rôkyoku浪曲 (kanji)pronunciationNarrative telling story on stage accompanied by a shamisen player. Also called "naniwabushi".
rotenburo露天風呂 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "outdoor baths".
Ssabazushiサバ寿司 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationA pressed sushi that topped vinegared mackerel slices.
sadô茶道 (kanji)pronunciationCeremony to enjoy the tea. Also called "chanoyu".
saisen bako賽銭箱 (kanji)pronunciationBox to put the price of the wish of God. It has been placed in the shrine.
sake酒 (kanji)pronunciationThe name for this specific Japanese beverage made from rice.
sakura桜 (kanji)pronunciationCherry blossoms or cherry trees.
sakura fubuki桜吹雪 (kanji)pronunciationBlizzard of falling cherry blossoms.
sakuramochi桜餅 (kanji)pronunciationBean paste rice-cake wrapped in a cherry leaf.
samurai侍、サムライ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationJapanese knight.
sandô参道 (kanji)pronunciationAn approach to a shrine.
sangaku算額 (kanji)pronunciationA ema that wrote mathematical solutions and problems.
sansho山椒 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese pepper.
sarakinサラ金 (katakana + kanji)pronunciationMeaning usury.
sashimi刺身 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese foods consisting of fresh raw seafood.
satori悟り (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA Japanese Buddhist term for awakening, "comprehension; understanding".
satsumaageさつま揚げ (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationDeep‐fried minced fish and vegetables.
sayonaraさよなら (hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "goodbye".
sekihan赤飯 (kanji)pronunciationRice dyed red with red beans.
sekuharaセクハラ (katakana)pronunciationAbbreviation of sexual harassment.
sembei煎餅 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese crackers, made from rice.
sembazuru千羽鶴 (kanji)pronunciationThousand origami cranes. A group of one thousand origami paper cranes held together by strings.
sempai先輩 (kanji)pronunciationPeople who first entered group or organization.
sencha煎茶 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese green tea.
sengiri daikon千切り大根
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Julienne Japanese radish.
senja fuda千社札 (kanji)pronunciationStickers or scraps of paper posted on the gates of shrines and Buddhist temples in Japan.
senryû川柳 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese form of short poetry similar to haiku.
sensu扇子 (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationThe fan folding portable.
sentô銭湯 (kanji)pronunciationBaths facility of pay.
seppuku切腹 (kanji)pronunciationDisembowelment. Also called "harakiri".
setsuden節電 (kanji)pronunciationSaving of electricity.
setta雪駄 (kanji)pronunciationLeather-soled geta.
shabushabuしゃぶしゃぶ (hiragana)pronunciationA Japanese nabemono hotpot dish of thinly sliced meat and vegetables boiled in water.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
Object of a good luck charm that has been installed on the roof of the donjon.
shakuhachi尺八 (kanji)pronunciationWhistle bamboo.
sha-mail写メール (kanji + katakana)pronunciationPhotograph to send with a cell-phone.
shamisen三味線 (kanji)pronunciationA three-stringed musical instrument.
shiatsu指圧 (kanji)pronunciationMassage technique to push body with fingers.
shibainu柴犬 (kanji)pronunciationTypical Japanese dog.
Shichifukujin七福神 (kanji)pronunciationThe Seven Gods which bring the good luck.
shichimi tôgarashi七味唐辛子 (kanji)pronunciationSeven flavor chili pepper. A common Japanese spice mixture containing seven ingredients.
shikki漆器 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Japan lacquerware".
shikoku hachijûhakkasho reijô meguri四国八十八箇所霊場廻り
(kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Visiting eighty-eight holy places in Shikoku sacred place.
(kanji + hiragana, hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
Decorated sacred straw festoon.
(kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Thick rope in the shrine.
shinai竹刀 (kanji)pronunciationWooden sword to be used in "Kendô".
shintô神道 (kanji)pronunciationThe native religion of Japan.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Boiled and dried young anchovies.
shiratamako白玉粉 (kanji)pronunciationRice flour for dumplings.
shiruko汁粉 (kanji)pronunciationSweet red‐bean soup with rice cake.
shîsâシーサー (katakana)pronunciationAmulets in the shape of the beast.
shishimai獅子舞 (kanji)pronunciationEntertainment of the New Year. Dance in cosplay of Lion.
(hiragana, kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Generate sounds by using the water current.
shisoシソ、紫蘇 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationAsian culinary herb, seed (spice).
(katakana, kanji)pronunciation
A kind of edible mushroom. It has been cultivated in East Asia.
sho書 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese calligraphy.
shô笙 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese reed musical instrument.
shôchû焼酎 (kanji)pronunciationOne of the spirits of Japan.
shodô書道 (kanji)pronunciationArt of Japanese calligraphy.
shôene省エネ (kanji + katakana)pronunciationReduction of energy consumption.
shôga生姜 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Ginger".
shôgi将棋 (kanji)pronunciationA two-player board game. The game uses Small pieces of wood of the pentagon.
shôgun将軍 (kanji)pronunciationCommander in chief of the Japanese army.
shôji障子 (kanji)pronunciationOne of the door of Japan. It is affixed thin paper to wooden frame.
shôka唱歌 (kanji)pronunciationSongs that was published on the assumption that children are taught in schools.
shokugan食玩 (kanji)pronunciationToys associated with foods.
shôyu醤油 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "soy sauce".
shôyudai醤油鯛 (kanji)pronunciationThe soy sauce case which modelled a sea bream.
shuriken手裏剣 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional Japanese weapon that was generally used for throwing, and sometimes stabbing or slashing.
soba蕎麦、ソバ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA type of thin Japanese noodle made from buckwheat flour.
sômen素麺、そうめん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationThin "udon".
sonzaikan存在感 (kanji)pronunciationPeople and things that certainly make you feel that you are there.
soroban算盤、そろばん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationTools for calculating.
sôzai惣菜 (kanji)pronunciationSide dishes that are issued to the meal time of day-to-day.
subuta酢豚 (kanji)pronunciationSweet and sour pork cuisine.
sudareすだれ、簾 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationJapanese screens or blinds.
sûdoku数独 (kanji)pronunciationA logic-based number-placement puzzle.
suiseki水石 (kanji)pronunciationArt of finding beauty in natural stone.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana.katakana)
Food was Braised beef and vegetables.
sumô相撲 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese-style wrestling. Fat man of the two men fight In the round ring.
surimiすり身 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationFish that be crushed into a paste.
surumeスルメ (katakana)pronunciationDried shredded squid.
sushi寿司、鮨、スシ (kanji, kanji, katakana)
Food which is a combination of raw seafood in vinegar rice.
Ttabi足袋 (kanji)pronunciationTraditional Japanese socks.
(katakana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
A Japanese fish-shaped cake. The common filling is red bean paste.
Taiyô no tô太陽の塔
(kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
The huge monument which Taro Okamoto designed it, and was built in the Osaka World Exposition meeting place.
Takarazienneタカラジェンヌ (katakana)pronunciationWomen devoted to Takarazuka actress.
takenokoタケノコ、筍 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationYoung bamboo, which is edible.
(hiragana + kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Food of spherical octopus is on.
tanabata七夕 (kanji)pronunciationThe Star Festival held on July 7. Children make a wish for the stars.
tanka短歌 (kanji)pronunciationA classical Japanese verse form. Also known as waka.
tanuki狸、タヌキ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationMeaning "racoon dog". It is funky character.
tarakoタラコ、鱈子 (katakana, kanji)pronunciationA salted roe food.
tareタレ (katakana)pronunciationSeasoning soy.
tatami畳 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional type of Japanese flooring.
tecchiriてっちり (hiragana)pronunciationA type of Japanese dish consisting of globefish boiled in a pot.
teishoku定食 (kanji)pronunciationCooking course off-the-shelf.
tekkamaki鉄火巻き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationVinegared rice rolled around a slice of tuna and covered with dried seaweed.
(kanji + hiragana, kanji, katakana)
Cooking fried it with a flour kneaded.
tendon天丼 (kanji)pronunciationTempura bowl.
tengu天狗 (kanji)pronunciationLong nose monster that is face red.
tennen天然 (kanji)pronunciationThe natural character that became blockhead.
tennô天皇 (kanji)pronunciationThe symbolic king of Japan. He does not maintain political power.
tenshukaku天守閣 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "donjon".
teppanyaki鉄板焼き (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationA style of Japanese cuisine that uses an griddle to cook food.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana)
Foods baked while applying sauce.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji + hiragana+ kanji)
A signboard that asks the driver of the car to watch out for children walking.
tôfu豆腐 (kanji)pronunciationA food made by coagulating soy milk, and then pressing the resulting curds into blocks.
tôji杜氏 (kanji)pronunciationA sake brew-master.
tokkô特攻 (kanji)pronunciationA military unit known for conducting kamikaze attacks.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
A dish in Japanese cuisine made from agar substance extracted from seaweeds by boiling.
tondemoトンデモ (katakana)pronunciationMeaning outrageous.
tonjiru豚汁 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese cuisine with stewed pork and vegetables. Also called 'butajiru'.
(kanji + katakana, katakana)pronunciation
A Cutlet of pork.
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
Bone of pig to be used in the soup.
torî鳥居 (kanji)pronunciationA gate of the shrine.
toroトロ (katakana)pronunciationFatty tuna meat.
tôrô燈籠、灯籠 (kanji, kanji)pronunciationA traditional lantern made of stone or wood.
tôrô nagashi灯籠流し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationRitual put a paper lantern on the river.
tororoとろろ (hiragana)pronunciationGrated yam.
tsukemenつけ麺 (hiragana + kanji)pronunciationGeneric term for noodles to eat by immersion in liquid seasoning.
(kanji + hiragana + kanji, kanji)pronunciation
Pickled Vegetables.
tsukimi月見 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese festivals honoring the autumn moon.
tsukimi dango月見団子 (kanji)pronunciationDumplings offered to the moon.
tsukkomiツッコミ (katakana)pronunciationSharp teasing for words blurred.
tsukudani佃煮 (kanji)pronunciationSmall seafood that has been simmered in soy sauce and mirin.
tsukumogami九十九神 (kanji)pronunciationMonsters of an old miscellaneous goods.
tsukuneつくね (hiragana)pronunciationDumpling of rounding to knead the meat.
tsukushiつくし、土筆 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationThe spore stem of the field horsetail.
tsunami津波 (kanji)pronunciationBig waves that attacked from the sea.
tsurishinobuつりしのぶ、釣り忍 (hiragana, kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationA decorative item in which a fern rhizome is wrapped around a bamboo core and hung. The spherical one is called 'shinobudama'.
Uuchiwa団扇、うちわ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationMeaning "Handy fan".
udo独活、うど (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationAralia cordata. A Japanese celery.
udon饂飩、うどん (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationA type of thick wheat-flour noodle popular in Japanese cuisine.
(hiragana, kanji)pronunciation
Steamed cake using rice flour.
uukiyoe浮世絵 (kanji)pronunciationA woodblock print ​​of Edo period.
umami旨味 (kanji)pronunciationOne of the five basic tastes sensed by specialized receptor cells present on the human tongue.
ume梅 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese apricot (plum) tree.
umeboshi梅干し (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationPickled ume.
umeshu梅酒 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese liqueur made from steeping ume in alcohol and sugar.
uni雲丹、ウニ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationSea urchins. Sea chestnuts. Salted ovary of sea urchin is a delicious food.
urushi漆 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "japan lacquer". It is used as a paint for crafts.
uzaiうざい (hiragana)pronunciationAn appearance is cheerless.
Wwabisabiわびさび (hiragana)pronunciationA comprehensive Japanese world view or aesthetic centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection.
wadaiko和太鼓 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese drum.
wafuku和服 (kanji)pronunciationThe traditional Japanese clothing. Kimonos.
wagashi和菓子 (kanji)pronunciationA traditional Japanese confectionery.
waka和歌 (kanji)pronunciationA classical Japanese verse form and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. Tanka.
wakame若布、ワカメ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA type of edible kelp.
(kanji, hiragana + kanji)pronunciation
Traditional Japanese songs, similar to nursery rhymes. They are often sung as part of traditional children's games.
warabiわらび、蕨 (hiragana, kanji)pronunciationBracken (Pteridium).
warabi mochiわらび餅
(hiragana + kanji, kanji)pronunciation
A jelly-like confection made from bracken starch.
waraji草鞋、わらじ (kanji, hiragana)pronunciationSandals made ​​of straw rope.
waribashi割り箸 (kanji + kanji + hiragana)pronunciationSplittable chopsticks. Disposable chopsticks.
warikan割り勘 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationDutch treat. Equal split.
wasabi山葵、わさび (kanji,hiragana)pronunciationJapanese horseradish.
wasan和算 (kanji)pronunciationMathematics that evolved independently in Japan.
washi和紙 (kanji)pronunciationThe paper of Japan by traditional manufacturing methods.
washoku和食 (kanji)pronunciationJapanese traditional meal. An example: Soba, sashimi.
Yyabusame流鏑馬 (kanji)pronunciationHorseback archery.
yakiimo焼き芋 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationA baked sweet potato.
yakitori焼き鳥 (kanji + hiragana + kanji)pronunciationA Japanese type of skewered chicken. Barbecued chicken.
yakuzaやくざ、ヤクザ (hiragana,katakana)pronunciationMembers of traditional organized crime groups in Japan, and also known as the "violence group".
yatai屋台 (kanji)pronunciationA portable stall.
yamaboko山鉾 (kanji)pronunciationThe decorated wooden cars. They march in the Gion Festival.
yamato-damashii大和魂 (kanji)pronunciationGuts of Japanese.
yaoiやおい (hiragana)pronunciationA popular term for fictional media that focuses on homosexual male relationships.
(kanji + katakana + kanji)pronunciation
A Japanese confectionery of Kyoto. It is made from glutinous rice flour, sugar and cinnamon.
Yen円 (kanji)pronunciationThe currency of Japan.
yôkai妖怪 (kanji)pronunciationGeneric name of the monster of Japan.
yôkan羊羹 (kanji)pronunciationA thick jellied dessert made of red bean paste, agar, and sugar.
yomise夜店 (kanji)pronunciationThe stand which forms a line in the precincts of the Shinto shrine at the night of the festival.
yose寄席 (kanji)pronunciationVariety hall. Vaudeville theater.
yubikiri genman指切りげんまん
(kanji + hiragana)pronunciation
Pinkie promiss.
yukata浴衣 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese summer garment.
(kanji + hiragana, kanji + hiragana)
Mug of Japan.
yuri百合 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese jargon term for content and a genre involving love between women in manga, anime, and related Japanese media.
yurizoku百合族 (kanji)pronunciationMeaning "Lesbians".
yurukyaraゆるキャラ (hiragana + katakana)pronunciationThe mascot character that is not cool.
yûsuzumi夕涼み (kanji + hiragana)pronunciationEnjoying the cool of the evening.
yuzu柚子、ユズ (kanji, katakana)pronunciationA citrus fruit originating in East Asia.
Zzabuton座布団 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese sitting cushion.
Zashiki warashi座敷童、ざしきわらし
(kanji, hiragana)pronunciation
Specter settling down in the house.
zazen座禅 (kanji)pronunciationSpiritual practice that is carried out by sitting.
zen禅 (kanji)pronunciationThe word is sect of Buddhism, but used interchangeably with "Zen" in the current.
zenzaiぜんざい、善哉 (hiragana,kanji)pronunciationRed bean soup. The soup contains rice cake.
zôni雑煮 (kanji)pronunciationA Japanese soup containing rice cakes. Family eat on New Year's Day.
zôri草履 (kanji)pronunciationSandals made ​​from rice straw.
zôsui雑炊 (kanji)pronunciationRisotto of Japan. A porridge of rice and vegetables.

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